Sunday 10 July 2016

How to Download And Install Pokemon Go On Your Android Device

We have watched cartoons of Pokemon in which Ash catches all the Pokemon using his Pokemon balls. In this game, it is the same we have to catch the Pokemon and fight with many Pokemon but it requires an internet connection. This game has come up with totally a different concepts in which even you have to find the Pokemon by going outside the world. This game uses GPS.
The another best thing about this application is that you will be using your device camera to catch Pokemon when I tried this application and it was really totally new concept and the developer has tried his best to make this application cool and working in all way. There are some bugs which we will be discussing below.

Download Pokemon Go On Your Android Device

This application is having bugs in which your avatar is not moving properly or sometimes you won’t be able to catch Pokemon which makes this game sometimes irritating but if you are having a good internet connection and GPS signal then you will be able to run this game absolutely fine.

Pokemon Go is not available in many countries because there are chances of deaths while playing this game. Because while concentrating on catching the Pokemon there are chances you will risk your life by any car accident or bus accident. Please play safe and don’t risk your life.


  • Uses Your camera to play the game and it’s totally a new and different concept.
  • Requires internet and GPS while playing the game.
  • Your avatar will move when you will be moving.
  • Doesn’t consume more memory and RAM.
  • It doesn’t consume more internet data.
  • No root required or patch requires while playing this game.


  • It requires a very good internet connection.
  • Sometimes the avatar doesn’t move properly.
  • You need to read all the information properly before playing this game for the first time.


  • Pokemon Go Application: Download
  • Turn on the GPS
  • Working internet connection while playing the game.

How to Download and Install Pokemon Go On Your Android Device

  • Download and Install the application from the above-given download link.
  • Now, just open the application and you will get installation block warning.

  • Click on settings and then enable unknown sources.

  • Now, install the application once again and open the application.

  • Now, Enter your birth date and click on submit button.

  • Click on sign up using “Google Account”. Allow all the required settings of the application.

  • Now, make sure your GPS and Internet is turned on and now, start playing the game on your device.
  • Firstly it will show you that how to play the game, choose your avatar and while catching the Pokemon just throw the Pokeball.

Now, start moving and your game will be started. Then you are done. Start moving in your streets to play the Pokemon.

Final Words:
This was the trick in which we have shown you how to Install Pokemon Go On Your Android Device. If you face any difficulty while installing or playing this game, please do let us know in the comment section. We will surely help you out. Thank you for visiting and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and play safe always. Peace out.


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