Tuesday 19 April 2016

Easy Way To Access Facebook & Twitter Without Using Internet Connection

In this position Facebook and Twitter are most popular social networking website in the world, I think everyone has  twitter and Facebook  account. They are everyday visit this type of social networking site through PC or mobile.  In this article I will show how to access Facebook and twitter without internet connection on your mobile. You are not fully accessing your Facebook and Twitter account, you can only still post Facebook and twitter for your friends and family. Please follow this step which is given below:

To tweet, first you need to enable your mobile phone on Twitter.com so do it now while you can. Go to your Twitter homepage, then to "Settings" and then "Mobile." Insert your cellphone number under "Activate Twitter text messaging," and then you'll have to text "GO" to the number 40404.
Once you've done that, you should receive a text message telling you that your phone is now activated. You should also see new settings on the webpage that allow you to enable or disable text notifications.

Now, to tweet, just write a text and send it to 40404.

To find out more about how to use other Twitter functionalities without an Internet connection, check Twitter's official guide. 
Want to share something for your friends and become more of a Facebook fan. You need to link your phone to your Facebook account, Then you can update your status through your phone by SMS.

At first go to  www.Facebook.com  and sign into your Facebook account, then go to “Account Settings” and then click “Mobile” then click “Activate text messaging”. Now select your country and carrier and click “next” button. Here you must see the “confirmation Code” box, now go to your mobile, open text message and type “ F” to your chosen carrier code (which operator you have chosen). That’s it.  

 Now, to update your status, you simply have to write it in a text and send it to 32665.
Hope you enjoy this trick…..@@@@@


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