Friday, 18 April 2014

Facebook Account Temporarily Locked or blocked:::....

Facebook Account Temporarily Locked or blocked:::....

Isn't frustrating????


A) May be Facebook making an improvement in the database and the account get "Locked" are stored on. During this time,it may not be able to gain access to the account. It may last for an hours. If this doesn't work, try submitting Facebook form.

B) May be Facebook has detected suspicious activity and has temporarily suspended due to security precaution.

C) Randomly adding large number of friends and sending continuously message to your friend list. Due to which unknown friend has detected as a spam or reported abuse. If in a bulk large number of people report abuse or spam then it may also get locked temporarily.

D) May be randomly using different devices to open a Facebook account.

How to recover::::...

A) Don't Open your Facebook account up to 96 hrs. Then after that clear cache and everything and may it will back to normal.

B) Go through automated security verification process if it has detected some suspicious attack.

C) Email Facebook at It may took 2-3 days for a response. It ask about your name, date of birth and a brief description of problem. They most likely ask you to confirm your identification with a DL or passport. After that they will send a reactivation link, assuming may you haven't violated any policies.

Preventive Measure:

Friends are too valuable and means to us, so we never want to lose it and suppose one morning by waking up it came to known that Facebook account is blocked or locked, it would be very disastrous.

A) Don't use proxy servers - As we know, proxy server use anonymous ips in order to access blocked sites. By doing so,it might create negative impact on Facebook account. Actually proxies are unknown to Facebook and it may affect the security network. So, its better not to use them.

B) Don't use too many devices - Try to prevent using too many devices for your Facebook account. Previously it not the case, it allows sign in to your account from different devices. But now, s::ecurity level of Facebook is increasing day by day, so preventing the use will definitely keeps you in safer side.

Based on my speculations, I think this are the common issues Facebook user are facing right now. There is no hand to hand solution from Facebook side and some process as per their concern took long time with no result. Hope this would help Facebook user and it would be updated with the time if any changes occur in future. Moreover you can find more interesting article that really differentiate the way of communication effect your relationship in Facebooks

Note: plz take a second to share and fell free to comment.


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